War Practice Inbound

Today we head to war practice to train for the upcoming war. This will be my first time fighting since the Donnan Party several months ago. Since then I’ve become a Reaper (by completing the 100 day pell challenge). I continue to improve my combat prowess through physical and educational training. The anticipation is killing me.

I loaded up the wagons yesterday. We will be heading to the battlefield by noon today, which puts our arrival at roughly 1PM by the sundial. It never fails to amaze me how hectic packing for a large event can be. Makes me dread even thinking about packing for war. This event would typically be just a “load up the armor and weapons” situation but our shire is having a cookout social, so I’m bringing the rations, cooking supplies, and other necessities to facilitate a successful activity.

This event is going to be pretty rough for us. My household is still recovering from the illness we all caught last week. I still feel like I’ve only recovered to about 70%. I just hope that being out in the elements doesn’t create a relapse for any of us. I really want to fight in the “Meet and Beat” tonight, but I need to know my limits. If I’m feeling poorly I need to sit this one out. I still have other activities that I can do. It’d be nice to retain or just generally socialize with everyone.

In other news related to this event, I am also going to be guarding the Queen for the first time in my SCA career. I’m excited to actually be able to finally utilize my soft kit: nasal spangenhelm, spear, axe, and chainmail. I hope I look the part as much as I feel I do when donning it all.

Once the event is over, I will post how it went for me, and any cool things that may have happened.

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